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“You do very well, O soul, to seek Him ever as one hidden, for you exalt God immensely and approach very near Him when you consider Him higher and deeper than anything you can reach.”
St. John of the Cross, The Spiritual Canticle, Stanza 1.12
Unconditional Freedom With St. John Of The Cross
We are familiar with the importance of unconditional love. What the saint teaches us, what is perhaps no less important for holiness, is unconditional freedom.
The Way Of Prayer: You Are Made For Love
St. John of the Cross does not want merely to bring you close to a true understanding of your flawed and broken self. He also is bringing you close to the fire, to the “living flame of love, that tenderly wounds my soul in the deepest center.”
The Bitterness Of The Dark Night
Many people experiencing aridity for the first time may mistakenly think they are somehow failing at prayer. St. John of the Cross tells us that aridity is not a sign of backsliding but of progress; it is exactly that process by which God draws the soul away from childish pleasures to the hard work of purification.
The Hope Of St. John Of The Cross
The hope of a Christian confronts every trial, even death itself. Christian hope does not just raise our spirits; it raises a battle flag against all the troubles of this life.
The Way Of Prayer: Don’t Turn Back
We must be patient with heaven, and stubborn with hell.
The Way Of Prayer: Following The Story
Developing your prayer life can feel like a project to be planned and completed. Consider a different sense of what is happening when we get serious about prayer. When you begin to make prayer a serious focus of your life, you begin to follow a story.
Kindled in love
The theology of St John of the Cross is focused on the necessity of self-discipline, but it begins and ends in love. This is not the dull path of obligation. It is an adventure, into a wild freedom.
Calming the appetites
Rather than the psychological models of the self propounded by Freud and Jung, we should learn from St. John of the Cross how to understand ourselves. Only then can we begin to be at peace with our clamoring appetites.
Entering the desert
Progressing in prayer is not like working out at the gym. You don't progress by just doing it. You have to be willing to enter a dry and empty experience of prayer. You have to enter the desert.
Mother’s milk
Spiritual writers often describe the progress of soul through the use of metaphors. We sometimes need to be reminded that these are representations, not reality, and St. John of the Cross has an image that works in this way. Beginners in prayer are like babies at their mothers' breasts.
Purification of the senses is not enough
The night of sense is the experience of purification of attachments to created things--a difficult task. A further and more difficult purification awaits holy souls determined to continue.
Blessed Ana de Jesús
This website went live on March 4, 2024. I chose March 4 for a very particular reason.
The Way of Sorrow
The writings of St. John of the Cross are filled with Joy. We are made for it, and it will be ours, God willing. But that is at the end of the story. We’re not there yet. We must first travel the way of sorrow.
Beginning with St. John of the Cross
There is a difference between beginners in prayer and those who are more advanced. It has to do with where we must focus our efforts.
The Narrow Gate
For St. John of the Cross, Jesus’ admonition is a piece of good advice about how to make progress, in prayer, and in the spiritual life generally. It is about the spiritual nights.
What is the dark night of the senses?
The dark night is perhaps the most well-known expression from the writings of St. John of the Cross. But there also are a lot of misunderstandings about what he meant by this.
Fr Ripperger on Attachments
Fr. Ripperger covers the topic thoroughly. He starts with a metaphysical definition of attachment: A quality in one of the faculties by which it is fixed on or inclined toward a particular object to a particular degree.
Why You Should Read St. John of the Cross
St. John of the Cross is one of those great Catholic writers that most people know about but probably not many people read.
Spiritual Canticle
St. John of the Cross began composing his poem, "The Spiritual Canticle," when he was imprisoned by his brother friars in Toledo, Spain. The Carmelite order at that time was at war with itself. During the previous centuries, the disciplines required of the nuns and friars had slowly been relaxed, although they still were austere by modern standards.
Making Friends with a Saint
On a warm Ohio springtime in 1988, just shy of 30 years old, I purchased a copy of The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross and sat down to read.
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We are familiar with the importance of unconditional love. What the saint teaches us, what is perhaps no less important for holiness, is unconditional freedom.